After Pasteurian microbiology then PCR, Dendris offers the diagnosis’ new standard allowing the simultaneous identification of a wide panel of pathogens with high sensitivity and specificity.



Syndromic molecular biology

The syndromic approach aims to identify in a single analysis all the pathogens potentially responsible for a syndrome.
Backed by molecular biology, the identification of pathogens is done by their genotyping (DNA) instead of the phenotypic identification of microbiology.



Functionalizing the substrate with phosphorus dendrimers considerably enhances the sensitivity of our chip. Dendris has filed a patent on the Dendrimers surface chemistry process.


Artificial intelligence

The machine-learning algorithm developed by Dendris delivers results from analyzed clinical samples automatically, reliably and fast.

Dermatophytes DP

The DendrisKIT DP is dedicated to the identification of 12 fungi involved in dermatophytosis.

CE-IVD mark

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Dermatophytes DP

Osteoarticular infections OA

The DendrisKIT OA allows the detection of 22 bacteria responsible for deep and osteoarticular infections, as well as the mecA resistance gene.
CE-IVD mark

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Osteoarticular infections OA

IR respiratory infections

The DendrisKIT IR panel makes it possible to identify in a single test the presence of 24 pathogens responsible for upper and lower respiratory infections.

In development

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Respiratory Infections IR

Invasive mycoses MI

The DendrisKIT MI is dedicated to the identification of targets involved in invasive pulmonary and blood mycoses.

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Invasive Mycosis MI
Dermatophytes DP
Osteoarticular infections OA
Respiratory Infections IR
Invasive Mycosis MI

Dendris mission

Develop easy-to-use in vitro molecular diagnostic kits for a syndromic approach to diseases or for the validation of biomarkers.

Our kits dedicated to hospitals and private laboratories favor an intuitive user interface. In a single test, a rapid and precise result accelerates the implementation of medical treatment. This solution contributes to:

– reduction of therapeutic expenses
– reduction in length of hospitalization
– improvement of clinical results and diagnoses
– the implementation of care protocols

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Our customers are talking about it

The multiplex DNA chip search for different pathogens was of particular interest to us. Indeed, in a single analysis, we can search for a panel of more than 20 pathogens compared to a few with traditional PCR methods.


We find common values of innovation and excellence and we keep our group at the cutting edge of technology.
Diagnosis and treatment are significantly accelerated, which benefits both our healthcare partners and our patients.

The latest developments from the Dendris company perfectly meet our needs…
We are satisfied with the partnership with the Dendris company.
Exchanges with the various stakeholders are fluid and constructive.


Our supporters & partners
